Irmak Ertör

Irmak Ertör holds a BA degree from the Economics Department of Bogazici University, Istanbul. Currently, she is an MA candidate in the Ataturk Institute for Modern Turkish History, Bogazici University. Her Master thesis is on environmental conflicts over fisheries and marine resources and she explores the impacts of marine conservation alternatives on different groups of stakeholders.

Since 2011, she is working as a project team member in EJOLT (Environmental Justice Organizations, Liabilities and Trade), sponsored by the European Union 7th framework program. In this project, she has collaborated for the Work Package 6 on mining conflicts and for the database of Turkey's environmental conflicts. As an ENTITLE fellow, she will be doing research on aquaculture and European regulations of fishing in ENT, Serveis de Suport a la Gestio, S.L., Barcelona.

Research Interests:

Political ecology, ecological economics, environmental conflicts, local management of marine resources and fisheries, de-growth.

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