Upcoming lectures from ENTITLE fellows in Radical Geography seminars in Athens, May 2015

Upcoming lectures from ENTITLE fellows in Radical Geography seminars in Athens, May 2015

Joanh Wedekind (PhD fellow at Humbolt University of Berlin), Rita Calvario (PhD fellow at Autonomous University of Barcelona) and Giorgos Velegrakis (PhD fellow at Harokopio University, Athens) will be giving lectures at this year’s Radical Geography seminars “The issue of land and land rent: A radical geography perspective”, organized at the Harokopio University in Athens.

Friday, May 15, 2015: Jonah Wedekind on "Land Grabs and the Failure of Biofuels in Ethiopia"

Friday, May 22, 2015: Rita Calvario and Giorgos Velegrakis on “Land and economic crisis in the European South”

You can find more information on the lectures here (in Greek).